Colorado Native

A born Coloradoan, some of my earliest memories are of biking, skiing, and camping in this awesome state. Now I live in Boulder County with my partner and have the privilege of relishing the Rocky Mountains on a daily basis.  I've had a chronic, daily headache since 2001 when I developed meningo-encephalitis.  Since then, I have become an ultra-runner, a mountaineer who has climbed all of Colorado's highest 14'000-foot peaks, and an avid believer in the power an active lifestyle has in coping with and lessening chronic pain.

Crossing the Knife Edge on Capitol Peak

Nearing the summit of Snowmass Mountain

My partner and I watching the sun rise from Blanca Peak
- my final summit of Colorado's 58 14,000 foot peaks

The finish line at the 2013 Desert RATS
Trail Running Festival Double-Marathon